MIT's Machine Science for Arduino An MIT robotics text adapted for Arduino 2020, D. J. Bouwsma
Probe2000 A beginner's QB64 Programming text, D.J. Bouwsma, � 2000
Explore A beginner's Python Programming text, D. J. Bouwsma � 2019
Math Notes for Beginning Programmers Trig, Vector Physics, Rotational animation, D. J. Bouwsma 2014
Getting Started in Electronics Electricity, Electronics, Theory, Forrest M. Mimms, 1994
Electronic and Mechanical Suppliers
2.1 Switch Basics - Another Teaching Moment DigiKey Electronics
2.3 How Rotary Encoder Works and How To Use It with Arduino
2.4 IR sensor project , TOP 5 Amazing Project with IR Sensor
2.5 Arduino for Production! AVR Atmega32 - Intro to LCD
3.1 Using Servo Motors with Arduino (50 min)
4.1 Stepper Motors with Arduino - Controlling Bipolar & Unipolar stepper motors
5.1 How Does a Transistor Work?
5.3 How does a Thyristor work?
5.4 Laser Communicator to Photoresistor/Photocell
6.1 You can learn Arduino in 15 minutes.
6.2 Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino Tutorial
7.1 Make Your Own Musical Floppy Drive
7.2 Moppy + Star Wars Theme = Floppy Vader's Theme
7.3 Musical Floppy Drives - Computerphile
8.1 Using a PC Parallel Port to Control LEDs
8.2 Using transistors with Arduino
9.1 Controlling motors and lights using the ULN2003 chip
9.2 Using the ULN2003A Transistor Array with Arduino
9.3 Making Music Using a Floppy Disk Drive and a ULN2003 Darlington Transistor Array Chip
9.4 Driving DC motors, part 3/3: H-bridges (Kevin Lynch)